

关于英语系“对话世界-TALK TO THE WORLD”系列活动的通知

2017-03-29 作者: [db:来源] 

在学校创新创业教育教学改革精神的指导下,为了打造好融通中外的话语体系,吸收世界各国的文化精髓,开展与异域文化间的对话,英语系诚邀全校师生共同参加“对话世界-TALK TO THE WORLD”系列活动。本活动将分为体育文化、建筑文化、节日服饰文化以及饮食文化四个专场进行,并将采取外教主讲,中教联合主持的开放式工作坊形式开展活动。首期活动将邀请外教Daniel 和Ted就西方的体育运动和体育精神进行探讨。期待您的热情参与!具体安排如下:

讲座主题:“ Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Sports Activities and Sportsmanship ” — 一场关于体育运动和体育精神的跨文化交流

主讲人:Daniel Martin Vorster & Edward Stoner Marais





The Department of English is glad to bring you a series of lectures under the theme of “TALK TO THE WORLD”. The cross-cultural lectures aim to raise awareness of cultural differences and enhance communication. These lectures will serve as a bridge between you and the world. The following aspects will be covered: sports, architecture, festival costume, and food. The first lecture will be jointly delivered by Daniel Marin Vorster and Edward Stoner Marais, discussing sports activities and sportsmanship.

Theme: Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Sports Activities and Sportsmanship

Date: Thursday, March 30th, 2017

Time: 3:20 - 4:05 P.M.

Venue: A5-402

Language: English