

英语系“对话世界-TALK TO THE WORLD”系列活动

2017-05-23 作者: [db:来源] 

在学校创新创业教育教学改革精神的指导下,为了打造好融通中外的话语体系,吸收世界各国的文化精髓,开展与异域文化间的对话,英语系诚邀全校师生共同参加第三期“对话世界-TALK TO THE WORLD”系列活动。本活动将采取外教主讲,中教联合主持的开放式工作坊形式开展活动。本期活动将邀请外教Carl Hygrant就中美不同的生活方式进行交流探讨。期待你的热情参与!具体安排如下:

讲座主题:“ Insights from living in America and China” — 中美生活方式的碰撞与融合

主讲人:Carl Hygrant


讲座地点:A7 一楼大厅



The Department of English is glad to bring you a series of lectures under the theme of “TALK TO THE WORLD”. These cross-cultural lectures aim to raise awareness of cultural differences and enhance communication. These lectures will serve as a bridge between you and the world. You are warmly welcomed to join us. The third lecture will be delivered by Carl Hygrant, discussing the differences of living in America and China. 

Theme: Insights from living in America and China

Date: Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Time: 12:30 - 13:10 P.M.

Venue: Lobby-A7

Language: English